Translation and Validation of the Vietnamese Version of the Barriers Questionnaire II in Patients with Cancer
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Background: The Barriers Questionnaire II (BQII) was developed to assess barriers to effective pain management.
Objective: This study aims to translate and validate the BQII into Vietnamese.
Method: The Viet-BQII was evaluated for content validity and reliability by 6 experts and 30 patients with cancer. The content validity of the questionnaire was measured by Item - content validity index and Scale - content validity index; the test-retest reliability was measured using Intra-Class Correlation; the internal consistency of the scale items was assessed by calculating Cronbach's α value.
Results: The Viet - BQII had a content validity in each question that ranges from 0.83 to 1.0, the content value for the scale was 0.92, Cronbach's α was 0.89, and the test-retest reliability with ICC was 0.82 (p <0.001).
Conclusions: The Viet-BQII ensures the validity and reliability for measuring patient barriers to pain management in patients with cancer in Vietnam.
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