L1Hs and MPP8 Genes Expression Correlation with Several Types of Carcinoma Tumors

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Wisam Abdan Wawi AL Abdullah


L1Hs is a major player in genome evolution and genetic variability. Aberrant activity of L1Hs element is common in several human cancers. It's specific function is poorly characterized  epigenetic regulation via human silencing Hub (HUSH) complex is critical to inhibit L1Hs activity. MPP8 is a subunit of HUSH complex and recently it has been suggested to inhibit L1Hs elements transcription. Thus, this assay was aimed to assess the expression level of L1Hs and MPP8 genes in cancer whole blood samples and healthy group utilizing qPCR assay. Generally, L1Hs gene significantly up regulated two times in patients' blood samples compared with healthy group. MPP8 gene up regulated approximately two times in cancer samples compared with healthy group. Testes, prostate, colon and cervical cancers were significantly expressed L1Hs more than MPP8 expression. While there is no significant differ in expression level of MPP8 and L1Hs genes in breast, bladder and ovary cancers.

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How to Cite
Wisam Abdan Wawi AL Abdullah. (2023). L1Hs and MPP8 Genes Expression Correlation with Several Types of Carcinoma Tumors. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(10), 2445–2450. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i10-61


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