Flexor Tendon Injuries and Hand Tendinorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Review

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Roberto Alejandro Ruiz Velasco Cisneros
Andrés Alejandro Lepe Rosales
Michelle Bross Mejía
José Ignacio Toledo García
Hector Gutierrez Flores


Flexor tendon injuries of the hand represent a challenging clinical entity with significant functional implications. This comprehensive article delves into the intricate realm of flexor tendon injuries, shedding light on the pathophysiology, diagnostic approaches, and treatment modalities, with a primary focus on the surgical technique of tendinorrhaphy.

The article commences with an exploration of the anatomy and biomechanics of flexor tendons, elucidating the pivotal role they play in hand function. It subsequently outlines the diverse etiologies that lead to tendon injuries, encompassing traumatic, iatrogenic, and spontaneous causes, while emphasizing the importance of prompt and accurate diagnosis through clinical assessment, imaging, and functional testing.

A detailed exposition of the principles and techniques of tendinorrhaphy follows, elucidating the surgical intricacies involved in repairing damaged flexor tendons. The article discusses suture materials, repair methods, and rehabilitation protocols, highlighting the importance of postoperative care and meticulous hand therapy in optimizing outcomes.

Furthermore, this article critically reviews emerging trends and innovations in the field, including the use of tissue engineering, biomaterials, and minimally invasive approaches, all of which hold promise for enhancing the management of flexor tendon injuries.

In conclusion, this article offers a comprehensive overview of flexor tendon injuries in the hand and underscores the pivotal role of tendinorrhaphy as a cornerstone in their treatment. With a holistic perspective on the subject, it provides clinicians and researchers with a valuable resource to navigate the intricacies of this challenging clinical scenario and fosters ongoing advancements in the field of hand surgery.

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How to Cite
Roberto Alejandro Ruiz Velasco Cisneros, Andrés Alejandro Lepe Rosales, Michelle Bross Mejía, José Ignacio Toledo García, & Hector Gutierrez Flores. (2023). Flexor Tendon Injuries and Hand Tendinorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(10), 2188–2192. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i10-12


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