Therapeutic Relationship between Nurses and Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital, Bangladesh

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Nabanita Mondal
Md. Abdul Latif
Mosammet Khaleda Akter
Mst. Anjuman Ara
Most. Munni Khatun


Background: Therapeutic relationship (TR) between nurses and patients is accepted as the cornerstone of caring. It is an interpersonal engagement aims to help patients to enhance their wellbeing through establishing a mutual trust relationship.

Objective: To explore the therapeutic relationship between nurses and patients at tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh.

Methods: Descriptive study was conducted among nurses and patients of Khulna Medical College Hospital. Sample was selected using convenient sampling technique and the sample size was 112 (56 nurses & 56 patients). Data were collected using structured questionnaire from the study participants. Questionnaire consists of two parts: Part I (For nurses), Part II (For patients).  The descriptive statistics was used to organize the present socio-demographic characteristics of both nurses and patients. Inferential statistics including t-test, one way ANOVA was used to explore the relationship between nurses and patients socio-demographic characteristics and their perceived therapeutic relationship.

Results: The total TR perceived by nurses was 44.52(SD=2.86) whereas patients was 16.55(SD=7.34) and there was significant difference (p=.00) between nurses and patients perceived TR. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference in nurses perceived TR by their age category (t=2.46, p=.01) and there was a significant different in patients perceived TR and their living area (t= -5.61, p=.00).

Conclusion: The study showed the therapeutic relationship perceived by nurses was high while the therapeutic relationship perceived by patients was low to moderate level.

KEYWORDS: Therapeutic relationship, Nurse, Patient, Tertiary Level Hospital.

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How to Cite
Nabanita Mondal, Md. Abdul Latif, Mosammet Khaleda Akter, Mst. Anjuman Ara, & Most. Munni Khatun. (2023). Therapeutic Relationship between Nurses and Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital, Bangladesh. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(9), 1802–1808.


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