Ayurveda Interventions in the Management of Tubal Blockages- Case Studies

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Dr.Smita Naram
Deepak Mahajan
Dr.Hemang Parekh
Dr.Tushar Yadav


Failure to conceive within one or more years of regular unprotected coitus is defined as Infertility. Tubal blockage is one of the most common causative factors in female infertility. The prevalence is 19.1% in the fertility age group. This condition is not described in Ayurvedic classics as itself tubal blocks but Blockages of fallopian tubes can be better correlated with Vandhyatvadue to Artavbijavahasrotavrodha (Blockages in fallopian tubes). All three doshas are responsible for causing blockages. Normalizing the vitiated Vata-kapha-doshaleads to restoration of tubal function and easy conception. Here are two cases with bilateral tubal blockage which were treated successfully with certain Ayushakti herbal remedies and Uttarbasti (Intrauterine enema) with Ksharbasti. Recording and publishing this data is worthwhile as there are minimum chances of complication with assured results. With this treatment we can definitely avoid unnecessary use of hormones and IVF protocol and can give cost effective and promising results

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How to Cite
Naram, D. ., Mahajan, D. ., Parekh, D. ., & Yadav, D. . (2021). Ayurveda Interventions in the Management of Tubal Blockages- Case Studies. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 1(10), 324–328. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v1-i10-03


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