Intestinal Intussusception Secondary to Appendiceal Mucocele, Report of a Case in A 53-Year-Old Female

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Unzueta Jocelyn
Amezcua Miguel


Appendiceal intussusception is defined as the invagination of a portion of the appendix into its own lumen or into that of the cecum. In adults, the most common etiology is endometriosis (33%), followed by appendiceal mucocele (19%) and appendiceal inflammation (19%) [4]. Symptoms may be absent or mild. Lower abdominal pain or mass may be confused with appendicitis or tuboovarian mass in women. The diagnosis of appendiceal mucocele is often difficult preoperatively, even with the use of imaging. The definitive diagnosis is by histopathology. Treatment is surgical resection with care.

Do not spill the contents, to prevent peritoneal pseudomyxoma with a poor prognosis [2].

In the present work, a 53-year-old female is reported with a 72-hour evolution of abdominal pain in the mesogastrium, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, normal vital signs on physical examination, without acute abdominal symptoms, with laboratories within normal parameters. , a computed tomography of the abdomen is taken which reports extensive intussusception at the ileocecal level which extends to the transverse colon, adjacent neoplastic etiology must be ruled out. An exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding intussusception of the ileum in the transverse colon with a 5 x 5 cm blind sentence, for which it was decided to perform a right hemicolectomy + mechanical lateral ileotransverse anastomosis. Patient with favorable evolution, hospitalized for 6 days.

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How to Cite
Jocelyn, U. ., & Amezcua Miguel. (2023). Intestinal Intussusception Secondary to Appendiceal Mucocele, Report of a Case in A 53-Year-Old Female. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(07), 1473–1475.


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