Correction of Post Burn Severe Broad Type Neck Contracture using Multiple Z-Plasty: A Case Report
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Background: Post burn contracture of the neck is one of the most common sequeles. The management of neck contracture is challenging because of both functional limitations and aesthetic apperance distortion of the patient. Besides affecting neck movement, neck contracture can also influence lower face function.
Aims : This study aims to report a-31 year old female patient with post burn contracture of the neck, following a kerosene lamp explosion that resulted in flame burn.
Case Presentation: The patient presented with a severe broad type neck contracture with complaints of limited range of motion in her neck and restricted mouth movement, accompanied by drooling caused by lower lip retraction, making it difficult to close her lower lip completely Surgical procedure was performed without excision of scar tissue. Multiple Z-plasty incisions were used to distribute the soft tissue and release the contracture.
Result: Patient achieved satisfactory result after surgery. The patient was followed up seven months and one year after surgery with improvement of her symptoms.
Conclusion: Multiple Z-plasty is a safe and realible procedure for releasing post-burn neck contracture. It serves as an effective surgical technique for treating post-burn neck contractures, allowing patients to avoid the need for grafts and preventing additional wounds from donor site harvesting.
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