Analysis of the Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in Emergency Installation of Priscilla Medical Center Hospital

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Anggita Dian Karera
Bayu Wahyudi
Rian Andriani


The achievement of the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) indicators in the Emergency Department of the Hospital is still not optimal so that the services provided are not as expected. This study aims to explore the situation related to the input, process, and output of the implementation of MSS for emergency services at Priscilla Medical Center Hospital. This study uses a qualitative design with a case study approach. The research time is from September to November 2023 at the Emergency Department of Priscilla Medical Center Hospital. Data collection techniques are carried out through in-depth interviews, forum group discussion (FGDs), and document reviews. The results of the study indicate that the quality indicator policy at Priscilla Medical Center Hospital does not cover all MSS indicators, the quality of human resources is good but the number of general practitioners is not sufficient, facilities and infrastructure are not fully in accordance with standards, and monitoring and evaluation has not been running well. Planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the implementation of MSS in the Emergency Department of Priscilla Medical Center Hospital has not been optimal. The output results show that patient mortality ≤24 hours is still high. 

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How to Cite
Karera, A. D., Purwadhi, Bayu Wahyudi, & Rian Andriani. (2024). Analysis of the Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in Emergency Installation of Priscilla Medical Center Hospital. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(12), 2216–2223.


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