Dim Sum Formulation of Tuna, Chicken, Sweet Corn, and Chayote as Additional Food for 12-23 Months Old Toddler at Risk of Stunting
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Stunting is a severe health problem in toddlers. Considering the impact of stunting, which risks hampering cognitive development, there is a provision of additional food, in which Dim Sum with tuna fish will be developed. This study analyzed the nutritional quality, energy value, descriptive, and organoleptic quality of Dim Sum with the formulation of yellow fin tuna fish (Thunnus albacares), chicken meat, sweet corn, and chayote as the additional food for toddlers at risk of stunting ranging 12-23 months old. The approach is qualitative through descriptive and oragnoleptic analysis on the product and quantitative through mean calculation and nutritional value are obtained by calculating the value with the estimated yield and retention factor. The procedures were first performed by formulating three treatments with chicken and tuna as the comparison ratios. In all treatments, treatment 3 had the highest nutritional value, receptivity, containing 367 kcal of energy, 21,1 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat, and 39 grams of carbohydrate. These limitations were due to the lack of intervention during the process. Dim Sum Formulation of tuna fish is a healthy local snack containing high energy and protein for toddlers at risk of stunting in 12-23 months old.
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